Monday, 17 May 2010


Hello. This is my blog. Welcome.

The basis of this blog is to share with you, the internet, my mammy's scores and comments as she watches Later With Jools Holland. This might seem quite a dull idea for a blog, but her comments are always good fun, with scoring thrown in and best of all, sweariness. Yes, I think it IS big and it IS clever. In fairness to her though, she is a fiery redhaired Irish woman, so the swears are just a normal everyday occurrence in her vocabulary. And I've inherited that trait also.

Anyway, back to my mammy. She started writing comments and scoring the acts on Later... a few years back after I moved out. I was her link to new music and with me having flown the nest, she needed to know whether her finger was still on the pulse. She's got pretty good taste. On hearing 'Spitting Games' by Snore Patrol on the radio one day, she didn't even look up from her dinner as she said 'Ah, this song. It promises so much and delivers so little'. I couldn't have put it better myself. She should write for the NME and show those little whiny angsty bleeders a thing or two about opinions.

So I hope that this blog entertains you, even the tiniest amount. There'll be a Eurovision special in the coming weeks too so stay tuned.

Also, I realise when Later... isn't on the air, it could get a bit quiet here so I'll have to think of something else to do.

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